Hande Demirel Hande Demirel

Daily Rituals to Take Better Care of Your Mind & Body

Morning Routine

6AM – Rise and shine with your circadian rhythm! Go out, breathe fresh air and watch the sun rise! Scan your mind and body, have a moment of gratitude and mindfulness. 7AM – Hydrate!! Warm water with lemon for an extra zest! 🍋  feeling like you need more before moving your body? Have a banana or a bowl of berries!8AM – Movement! Stream your favorite class of The Pilates Club Workout! 9AM – Nourish! Whip up a yummy omelette, avocado toast or green smoothie post-workout and enjoy! Morning Drinks: I love matcha and green tea for that calm, zen energy. After meals for de-bloating and better digestion: Ginger tea - I love this one! Pukka's Manuka Honey and Detox teas are also yummy.Throughout the day: Water! I prefer warm water over cold/iced water. Having warm water feels more hydrating for the body and improves digestion.

6AM – Rise and shine with your circadian rhythm! Go out, breathe fresh air and watch the sun rise! Scan your mind and body, have a moment of gratitude and mindfulness. 

7AM – Hydrate!! Warm water with lemon for an extra zest! 🍋  feeling like you need more before moving your body? Have a banana or a bowl of berries!

8AM – Movement! Stream your favorite class of The Pilates Club Workout! 

9AM – Nourish! Whip up a yummy omelette, avocado toast or green smoothie post-workout and enjoy! 

Morning Drinks: I love matcha and green tea for that calm, zen energy. 

After meals for de-bloating and better digestion: Ginger tea - I love this one! Pukka's Manuka Honey and Detox teas are also yummy.

Throughout the day: Water! I prefer warm water over cold/iced water. Having warm water feels more hydrating for the body and improves digestion.

Nighttime Routine

night routine2.png

7PM – Did you know that our digestive system has a bedtime too? You don’t want to disrupt your natural internal cycle by eating late at night. Night time is when our bodies go into a deep cleaning and rejuvenation mode. Have your last meal of the day be before sunset! Limit blue light exposure to set yourself up for a deep sleep!

8PM – Hydrate/meditate! Sip on some relaxing tea (ginger & fennel seed for the win!) close your eyes and think back on what went well and what didn’t go so well this day. What can you do better tomorrow? 💧

9PM – Legs up the wall! Try this simple, restorative pose to relieve back pain, restore tired feet or legs and support your circulatory and lymphatic system. I recommend 5-10 minutes every day. (Bonus points if you put your phone away in another room!) 

10PM – Read away stress with a good book! Be thankful for another day on this earth and get some REEM Zzz’s! 

For Your Mind: Meditation

​Meditation can help you connect with your body and mind better. It can help you become more of a happier, healthier, more peaceful person you want to be. My biggest advice if you’re new to meditation is that it can fit into many areas of your life. You simply just have to be open to seeing it this way. I don’t necessarily label it any particular style but I incorporate loving kindness and mindfulness meditations into my practice. Take a look at my curated list of  free resources below.

Free Meditations on Youtube:

Meditation Apps I Love & Use:

  • Insight Timer App

  • Calm App

  • Headspace App (great for beginners)

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